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Controllers programming

We are programming different types of controllers to implement solutions defined trough traffic control studies.

Our programming solution includes :

        Controller programming based on signal design

        Type of controller :

§         Siemens MS

§         Siemens C800

        Type of programming language :

§         Masmo ou VS-plus for Siemens MS

§         TL ou VS-plus for Siemens C800

        Programming test

        Real time controller running, observation et verification

        Analysis of real time traffic control recording data

        Evaluation of traffic signal control's effectiveness in real time operation  

Types of realized programmation on signalized junction :  

* We have experiences on more than 100 junctions. This is only an exhaustive list.

        Fully actuated signals with priority to bus / tram  

        Fully actuated signals with signal coordination for main road traffic

        Semi-actuated signals with priority to bus / tram

        Semi-actuated signals with a function to limit main road traffic speed  

        Semi-actuated signals with priority to bus / tram and signal coordination for main road traffic

        Semi-actuated signals with priority to bus / tram / police car and signal coordination for main road traffic

        Semi-actuated signals with priority to ambulances / bus and signal coordination to ease ambulances exit 

        Semi-actuated signals with priority to bus / pedestrians and signal coordination for main road traffic  

        Fixed time signals taking priority to bus into account and signal coordination for main road traffic
